Top Five States that Addressed Election Integrity in 2024
Several states fixed election vulnerabilities last year. Here is a ranking of the five who did it best.
Multiple states have passed election integrity laws to address the distrust the irregularities the 2020 election sowed in the American public. Republicans led the charge, but Democrats sometimes acknowledged the need to make the vote counting process smoother.
Pennsylvania's Act 88, which bribed counties to count ballots without interruption and outlawed private funding of elections like Zuck bucks, passed with 17 Democrats in the House, 17 Democrats in the Senate, and Gov. Josh Shapiro's (D) signature in 2022. This contributed to the state's prompt election results in 2024, putting its senate seat out of reach of incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D) early despite three Democrat-majority counties' best efforts to illegally count votes.
Georgia's Election Integrity Act of 2021 was the most comprehensive, prompting the MLB to give in to leftist pressure to withdraw its all-star game from the state that year. The leftist corporate pressure campaign failed, however, and—to the liberal Brennan Center's chagrin—2024 had the second-highest election law output of the past decade after 2021.
These are the top five states ranked that, in 2024, addressed election vulnerabilities and plugged loopholes in preexisting election integrity laws. But, first, here are a couple of honorable mentions.
Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly passed a referendum to outlaw private funding of elections. The Wisconsin Republican-dominated legislature twice voted to ban private funding of elections after Mark Zuckerberg's $450 million donation produced lopsided funding in Democrat-majority counties in the state during the 2020 election. Gov. Tony Evers (D) vetoed both bills, forcing Republicans to take the initiative to the people.
Alabama banned ballot harvesting with S.B. 1. The law makes it illegal to distribute prefilled absentee ballot applications to any voter and makes it a felony for anyone to pay or receive payment to register absentee voters and deliver their completed absentee registrations. This will keep most leftist voter registration machines out of the state. Also, unless an individual requires emergency medical treatment within five days of an election, the law prohibits anyone from turning in a completed absentee ballot application for someone else.
(Read more: INTERVIEW: Why It Wasn't Like Last Time)
Top Five Election Integrity States of 2024
Idaho banned ballot harvesting with H. B. 599. It criminalizes delivering another voter’s mail ballot, except for election officials, postal workers, those paid by the voter, relatives, household members, and caregivers.
The state also passed a constitutional amendment making it illegal for noncitizens to vote. This preempts local jurisdictions from allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections, as some liberal communities have allowed in other states.
West Virginia
West Virginia passed S.B. 624, which requires county clerks to cancel the registrations of voters who obtain out-of-state driver’s licenses. This will eliminate the possibility of double-registration and double-voting. It also ensures out-of-state transplants cannot influence the state's politics while maintaining their primary residence in another state.
The Volunteer State passed two election integrity-related laws last year.
S.B. 2586 imposes new restrictions on voter registration assistance offered by civic engagement groups. It requires individuals collecting ballot applications during voter drives to submit them within 15 calendar days and prohibits them from giving prefilled applications to registrants. This prevents the plausible deniability in a common form of legalized voter fraud that leftist nonprofits often use when they mass-mail prefilled registrations.
S.B. 1967 moves the absentee request deadline to 10 days before an election from seven days and requires a doctor’s statement for a voter to be placed on the permanent absentee voting register.
New Hampshire
Gov. Chris Sununu (R) signed H.B. 1569, which eliminates exceptions to providing photo ID. New Hampshire is one of 21 states that allows Election Day voter registration. However, it also requires photo ID. H.B. 1569 closes the loophole of photo ID exceptions, ensuring no voter may register and vote the same day without providing photo ID.
Louisiana passed eight consequential laws addressing election integrity, easily placing it as the top state that addressed the issue in 2024.
H.B. 506 imposed new restrictions on voter registration assistance by civic engagement groups. This includes a requirement that voter registration NGOs register with the Secretary of State's Office. This came about because a registration volunteer left around a dozen registration forms in the trunk of someone's car that ended up disenfranchising high school students who would have been able to vote for the first time if not for the volunteer's negligence.
H.B. 581 and S.B. 155 prohibit individuals from witnessing more than one non-immediate family member’s ballot. H.B. 581 requires witnesses of mail-in and absentee ballots be at least 18 years old and provide their addresses. It also makes it easier to challenge these ballots, although it does not permit challenges to absentee ballots if they only lack a witness’s address.
H.B. 476 bans ballot harvesting by prohibiting anyone from mailing more than one absentee ballot for a non-immediate family member.
S.B. 218 makes it a crime to give an absentee ballot application form to more than two non-immediate family members.
S.B. 436 creates a documentary proof-of-citizenship requirement for people who register to vote using a form created by the secretary of state.
S.B. 420 makes it a felony to remove from proper custodial care election documents and supplies like affidavits and election returns.
H.B. 114 seeks to prevent faulty voter purges by requiring an annual canvas of voters who have not updated their addresses but who have not voted, changed their registration, signed a ballot petition, or participated in a nursing home program in the previous 10 years.
Conservative legislators and governors made 2024 a successful year on the election integrity front. Multiple states governed by Republicans banned private election funding and ballot harvesting, reining in NGOs that engage in sleazy voter registration schemes, and tightening proof of citizenship and residency requirements. Americans deserve to know that only legally registered citizens vote and to find out the results of those votes in a timely manner.
Read more: The Incoming Congress Should Immediately Ban Zuck Bucks Across the Nation)