The Green New Deal Is Based on Lies About Budgets, Green Energy, and Climate Science
The Green New Deal is here. Contrary to the breathless pronouncements by globalists, elitists, and climate hysterics, we don’t have a “climate crisis.” What plagues us, rather, is a crisis of lying about climate, science, and big government solutions to these imagined problems.
Originally published at American Greatness (April 24, 2024)
Those who would control your life, tax you into oblivion, and expand the role of government have built their theories on junk science and bad public policy. Instead of blowing trillions of dollars on projects that sound good but don’t accomplish anything, we should get government out of the way so people all over the world can lift themselves out of poverty.
In my latest exposé at Restoration News, I go into painstaking detail to show how climate radicalism has its basis in junk science. The adherence to this junk science, despite no direct evidence to support the claims of impending doom, more resemble a cult than a scientific pursuit. The lies run so deep, I believe the science has morphed into a hybrid cult of quasi-religious fervor. The mechanisms created by this ‘Cult of Scientism’ empower oligarchs and billionaires using a phony scientific consensus as justification to control private citizens and whole economies. Individual liberty and the ability to prosper be damned; we have a planet to save.
(RELATED: Michigan Reacts to EV Mandates as China Engages in Lawfare)
The Green New Deal is Here, and It’s Worse Than You Think
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has sent billions of dollars into the most radical pet projects imaginable: grants for “climate justice,” subsidies for “hydrogen hubs,” tax rebates for EVs, and massive expansions of wind and solar. The real goals seem nothing short of expanding every aspect of the federal government, regardless of the tenuous connection to climate.
Former climate czar John Kerry famously boasted about the IRA, citing “investments” that bring down the costs of “clean technologies.” Climate evangelist Al Gore bragged that the IRA was “by far, the best and biggest climate legislation any country’s ever passed,” allocating $1.2 trillion to the acceleration of the deployment of “renewable” energy and batteries.
In other words, the Biden administration lied about its true intentions with the Inflation Reduction Act. As everyone can now see, it had nothing to do with inflation. Actually, scratch that. It had the opposite of the stated effect, jacking up inflation even more with insane increases in federal spending.
In effect, in combination with several Executive Orders by President Biden, the IRA has implemented the Green New Deal.
The Green New Deal Means Spending At An Insane Level
That’s $1.2 trillion on top of annual federal spending levels, which have already created a national debt crisis. The United States debt has topped $34 trillion, with the annual spending deficit approaching $2 trillion. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the US federal debt to GDP ratio is a staggering 122 percent and growing.
In Biden’s worldview, nothing matters outside of defeating the forces of Big Oil and creating a command economy to save the planet. If only they could subvert unbridled capitalism and the profit motive, consumers would finally have a real choice between planet-choking “dirty” carbon emissions and cheap, reliable green energy that will keep Mother Earth from boiling over.
If only their baseline assumptions had any basis in fact or science. Even one would help.
Weird Science
As the junk science report details, government agencies from NOAA to NASA to the EPA have engaged in such extensive manipulation of historical temperature data as to render it meaningless. The United States has a little over 1,200 weather reporting stations, but a full forty percent of them have not reported actual observed data in several decades. NOAA simply puts out temperature “estimates” for the stations that have gone inactive.
According to the EPA’s own data, over eighty percent of observed American weather stations show a cooling trend since 1980, with only 19 percent showing a warming trend in that same period.
Most importantly, several peer-reviewed studies have concluded that a rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere throughout history follows rises in average temperature. Rising CO2 does not precede warming trends and, therefore, cannot cause them!
Meanwhile, the touted green energy cannot succeed at scales large enough and economical enough to make any difference.
Green Energy Is a Bad Deal
As just one example, a recent study concluded that the cost of charging an electric vehicle comes out to over $17 per gallon when compared to refueling an internal combustion car. Meanwhile, EVs continue to explode, fail in cold weather, or run out of juice for lack of a charging station. Range anxiety is a real thing that EV manufacturers have failed to solve.
When presented with all the facts, consumers have continually chosen energy that is inexpensive, reliable, and available instead of their green energy pipe dreams. The climate cultists exist in a bubble, where that only happens because Big Oil unfairly manipulates the marketplace. They must, they believe, bring big government mandates and big government expenditures to the battlefield to defeat the evil wrought by Big Oil. At least that’s their cover story. What they really desire is more government, more power, and less consumer choice.
(Watch our Language Watch series to see how the Left has hijacked the language on Climate Change and other topics)
That’s what the Green New Deal truly offers: an enormous expansion of the power and scope of government in the form of a command economy. As we have seen throughout history, command economies necessarily come with higher prices, a loss of individual liberty, and reduced prosperity for all. If Biden somehow gets a second term in office, rest assured the damage he will do in the name of the climate will dwarf what he’s already accomplished.