New Watchdog Report: 5,000 Double-Registered Voters Discovered in Just One Blue State

The kind of voter suppression the Left doesn’t like to talk about

A nonpartisan watchdog group that investigates voter fraud has discovered 105 illegal double voters and close to 5,000 individuals who are registered to vote twice in Connecticut, according to a new report, establishing serious concerns about similar voter roll issues in other states heading into the 2024 election.

Fight Voter Fraud, a nonpartisan election integrity group created in 2018 to stop voter disenfranchisement, combed the blue state’s voter rolls and discovered hundreds of voters who are registered in more than two states, double-voted in recent elections, or have even double-voted in multiple states since 2016—a felony.

“Every double vote suppresses someone’s legitimately and legally cast vote,” FVF CEO Linda Szynkowicz told Restoration News. “Our motto, ‘One Vote for One Legal Voter,’ underscores our commitment to ensuring fairness and integrity in every election.”

That follows after 4 individuals were arrested earlier this month and charged with multiple counts of absentee ballot fraud in Bridgeport’s 2019 Democratic mayoral primary election, following complaints brought forward by Fight Voter Fraud.

Amazingly, that’s separate from allegations four years later that fraudulent ballots changed the outcome of Bridgeport’s 2023 Democratic primary—forcing a local judge to toss the election and order a do-over.

While Connecticut is far from an electoral battleground, the discovery raises questions about the accuracy of voter rolls in swing states that will decide the outcome of the 2024 presidential election—like Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, all of which lean Republican but have Democrat secretaries of state. How seriously are they taking this important responsibility?

The Heritage Foundation’s fraud database reports 18 people convicted of election fraud in Pennsylvania and 6 more in Michigan since 2016, including false voter registration and ineligible voting.

(RELATED: Will Illegal Aliens Choose the 2024 Republican Nominee in Arizona?)

Restoration News was the first to report on how Arizona Sec. of State Adrian Fontes (D) has enabled non-citizens—including illegal aliens—to register and cast a ballot in federal races this year, beginning with the March Republican primary.

Earlier this month, we also exposed a mass-mailing campaign by the Voter Participation Center, a Chinese-funded get-out-the-vote group aligned with Democrats, to register New Mexico voters using the problematic national voter registration form, which does not require documented proof of citizenship from applicants. That creates well-founded concerns that non-citizens will register to vote not only in New Mexico, but everywhere this organization targets with tens of millions of such mailers.

Ballot fraud is a serious threat in close races where every vote matters, as the 2024 presidential election is expected to be. Illegal double-voting could decide the difference in who occupies the White House in Jan. 2025.

(READ MORE: 100% Voter Turnout in Wisconsin Nursing Homes Isn’t Normal. Will it Happen Again in 2024?)

Hayden Ludwig is Founder and Managing Editor of Restoration News, launched in 2023, and Executive Director for Research at Restoration of America. He specializes in election integrity and dark money, authoring the first investigations into the 2020 election "Zuck Bucks" scandal and unearthing the world's largest dark money network run by Arabella Advisors. He publishes regularly at RealClearPolitics, American Greatness, and the American Conservative.

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