National Survey Shows Broad Support for Trump’s Border Security and Deportation Efforts
Geography not a determining factor for voter priorities
Voters from across all regions of America recognize that all states are now border states struggling with the societal drain of illegal immigration that has reached a record high under President Biden.
That’s one of the major takeaways from a just released nationwide survey conducted by Steve Cortes’ League of American Workers that sampled 1,550 registered voters nationwide.
When asked “which issues” President Trump should prioritize upon taking office in January, a broad cross section of voters in all regions, age groups, ethnic groups, and income levels, cited border security and deportations among their top three choices.
Voters in the Northeast, Midwest, South, and West all expressed significant levels of support for a stronger U.S. border and the deportation of illegal aliens. Among southern voters, for example, 42% expressed support for a stronger border as a top Trump priority. The number was even higher in the Northeast— 46%. Pollsters also recorded 26% of southern voters and 31% of voters in the Northeast supporting the enforced deportations of illegal migrants as top priorities.
The polling results indicate that voter anxiety over Biden’s border disaster and the flood of illegal immigration transcend geography. In fact, voters in areas that are not traditionally thought of as border regions support Trump’s border and immigration policies in higher numbers than their southern counterparts.
Bu there were a few notable disparities.
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Men favored efforts to strengthen the U.S. border over women by a margin of 48% to 39%. But 26% of both men and women listed the deportation of illegal aliens in equal measure by 26%. Pollsters also recorded a significant difference among political parties with Republicans and Independents favoring border security and deportations over Democrats by a wide margin.
Democrats Are the Outliers on Deportations
The survey shows 61% of Republicans and 41% of Independents favor efforts to strengthen the border—in contrast to only 27% of Democrats. The question of deportations produced an even starker partisan contrast. Thirty eight percent of Republicans and 27% of Independents point to deportations as major priorities for the new Trump administration by comparison to just 12% of Democrats. This makes Democrats and the professional left the outlier in American opinion.
Aside from their concerns over the border and presence of large numbers of illegal aliens, voters cited economic issues as one of three leading priorities for the Trump team. These issues include the elimination of taxes on tips, overtime, and Social Security income.
The poll numbers indicate Trump is well positioned to withstand the anticipated negative news coverage that will attach itself to his border security and deportation initiatives. Trump’s leadership on this issue continues to appeal to voters and drive public opinion—despite the 95 percent negative coverage he receives from the corporate media.
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