Meet the $2 Billion Coalition that Wants Non-Citizen Voting in Our Elections

A nexus of ultrawealthy activist groups is demanding Congress leave a loophole open that would allow some 20 million non-citizens to determine the next president—including illegal aliens

Donald Trump won the 2016 election by a margin of 78,000 votes across 3 swing states. Four years later, Joe Biden unseated him with 43,000 votes across another 3 swing states. The margins this November will be equally razor-thin—until millions of foreigners decide the outcome in Democrats’ favor, that is.

Of the roughly 50 million legal and illegal aliens living in the United States, about 20 million are voting-age adults. Of those, 5–13 percent illegally register to vote and cast a ballot each election cycle—about 2.7 million people, far and away enough to swing a close election to Joe Biden, considering survey data showing non-citizens vote 80–20 percent for Democrats over Republicans.

Is that fair? The far Left certainly thinks so, which is why they’ve assembled a $2 billion coalition to fight legislation in Congress meant to stop non-citizens from voting in our elections.

(RELATED: Is this Leftist Group Registering Non-Citizens to Vote in New Mexico?)

Registering the Bidenvasion

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act introduced last month would require individuals show documented proof of citizenship before registering to vote nationwide and penalizes states which intentionally register non-citizens to vote—as California, D.C., and Vermont allow for some local elections.

Each non-citizen who casts a ballot cancels out the vote of a legitimate U.S. citizen—the very definition of voter suppression, something the Left is supposedly against. Bill Clinton joined congressional Republicans in banning non-citizen voting in federal elections in 1996, back when Democrats didn’t need illegal aliens to win confidently win elections. Yet they left open a loophole permitting non-citizen voting in state and local elections where state constitutions fail to specifically prohibit it—a loophole big enough for radical activists to drive a freight train through.

(POLL: 90% of North Carolinians Oppose Illegal Aliens Voting, But NC Dems Won’t Say Where They Stand)

In May, a coalition of 129 left-wing advocacy organizations—the bulk of them tax-exempt nonprofits and “charities”—demanded Congress vote against the SAVE Act as “unnecessary and dangerous . . . particularly for voters of color.” “Legislation like the SAVE Act is intended to elicit irrational fear of the growing number of citizens of color,” these groups write. The bill is somehow “anti-immigrant,” “unfair,” “discriminatory,” and “rooted in fear and division.”

Together, these groups raked in $2.4 billion in 2022 alone, funds which fueled the Left’s vast litigation, lobbying, and get-out-the-vote machine aimed at cementing permanent Democrat control of Washington. They are tools of the woke oligarchy designed to drown out the voice of the American people, and remake our nation into a playground for the ultra-rich to abuse and exploit working class people suffering under Bidenomics. They hate you.

The Voter Participation Center, one such signatory (2022 budget: $37 million), is funded by a CCP-approved Chinese tech billionaire to turn out Democrats in key states like Virginia, Wisconsin, and Georgia while pretending to be “nonpartisan.” In 2008, liberal NPR accused the white-run group of suppressing black voters in North Carolina in an effort to help Hillary Clinton beat Barack Obama. Is that racist?

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC; revenues: $170 million) is the Left’s biggest smear machine, accusing anyone right of Lenin of being an “extremist.” In fact, it was one such extremist, Floyd Lee Corkins, who cited SPLC’s infamous Hate Map as his reason for attempting to mass murder the staff of the Family Research Council, a mainstream pro-life group.

The Fair Elections Center was spewed out by the world’s biggest “dark money” ATM, run by the cosmopolitan consultancy Arabella Advisors in D.C. Its goal: Overturn voter ID laws and register violent felons to vote.

The Brennan Center (revenues: $111 million) is heavily funded by George Soros to abolish the Electoral College and abolish cash bail, letting criminals back onto the streets to terrorize communities.

UnidosUS—formerly the National Council of La Raza, or “the Race”—is a Latino racial nationalist group that supports granting amnesty to the tens of millions of illegal aliens living in the U.S. while promoting Biden’s open border policies.

And the $32 million group Greenpeace, when it isn’t advocating for non-citizen voting, tries to shut down the oil, natural gas, and coal fueling your house, stove, heater, and car.

There is no good reason to oppose the SAVE Act… unless your objective is to allow non-citizens to vote in our elections. The Left is attempting to normalize non-citizen voting by legalizing it in local jurisdictions before pushing to legalize it nationwide—and if Americans don’t wake up to this reality before November 2024, they’ll find themselves swamped by tens of millions of illegal voters.

(READ MORE: The Growing Red Wave Against Non-Citizen Voting)

Hayden Ludwig is Founder and Managing Editor of Restoration News, launched in 2023, and Executive Director for Research at Restoration of America. He specializes in election integrity and dark money, authoring the first investigations into the 2020 election "Zuck Bucks" scandal and unearthing the world's largest dark money network run by Arabella Advisors. He publishes regularly at RealClearPolitics, American Greatness, and the American Conservative.

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