DEEP DIVE: Would KamalaCare Kill White People?
Health care rationing with DEI under Kamala Harris’ ideal single-payer health care plan would deny life-saving resources to white patients.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) enforcement in the medical field and federal bureaucracies predict a nightmarish scenario for white Americans if those institutions join forces in a single-payer system under a pro-DEI radical like Kamala Harris.
Harris made her support for a single-payer health care system clear as a senator and 2020 vice presidential candidate. Her new tactic of advocating for Obamacare on steroids while continuing to claim health care is a right doesn’t fool anyone.
As a Senator, she co-sponsored the Medicare for All Act of 2017 with socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that would have set up a single-payer system within four years. This would have thrown 150 million Americans off their private health insurance and into a government-run system. Today, nearly 165 million Americans have insurance through an employer-sponsored plan.
When asked as a 2020 presidential candidate how her plan differed at all from Sanders’, she responded, “I think they’re very similar.”
At a town hall in Oakland, California, she said she supported Medicare for all because it was “the right thing to do.”
(READ MORE: Kamala’s Socialist Health Care Plan is Bad News for Seniors)
Kamala Harris Wants to Abolish Private Health Insurance
Unlike former President Barack Obama when he ran for office, Harris stated plainly her policy would eliminate private health insurance from those who liked their plan and wanted to keep it.
Blowback came swiftly, forcing her to differentiate her plan from the Sanders bill she co-sponsored. The only real difference she provided was to allow a 10-year transition to single-payer rather than Sanders’ 4-year transition.
After Harris walked back her support for immediately ending private health insurance, campaign representatives reassured the media and leftist supporters that while Harris preferred Medicare-for-All, she was open to multiple routes to a single-payer system.
A 2024 survey by Echelon Insights finds only 37 percent of Americans support single-payer, and 91 percent of insured Americans are satisfied with their coverage.
Harris has since tempered her socialist health care tactics to pretend she only wants more Obamacare. But she continues to insist health care is a right—a false statement unless the government provides health care through a single-payer system.
“She certainly learned over the 3½ years here the importance of incremental progress.” Kristine Lucius, Harris’s White House domestic policy adviser told the Washington Post on September 11.
Obamacare was always a ferry to single-payer. For now, Harris is content to ride that ferry to the White House until a future Democratic Congress can build her bridge to socialist health care.
More Taxes, Debt, Illegal Aliens, and Scarcity
Kamala’s single-payer health care plan would cost $44 trillion over 10 years, 10 times what Obamacare would cost over that timeframe—not accounting for Harris’ plans to expand Obamacare until she gains the political capital to pass her original plan.
The Center for Health and Economy (H&E)’s microsimulation of Harris’ plan found it would increase annual spending by over $4 trillion, dwarfing the $1.7 trillion tax increase it would bring. This would leave a net federal cost of $2.3 trillion in 2028. From 2028-2035, the total net cost of her plan would rise to over $24 trillion. The microsimulation even excludes additional costs for dental, hearing, and vision.
Kamala Harris may not be as well versed in socialist economics like Sanders and others, but she is more of a radical on identity politics. As Restoration News previously covered, she stated she considers people who came to the U.S. illegally just as American as she.
Her plan’s explicit funding of health insurance for all illegal aliens distinguishes it from previous single-payer proposals. H&E’s simulation finds it would cost an additional $1.8 trillion to fund 11 million illegal aliens from 2026-2035. There are currently far more than 11 million in the country, and the illegal population would balloon further with the added incentive of free health insurance for everyone in the world who wants it.
Harris’ single-payer health care plan would also reduce the quantity and quality of health care professionals and life-saving prescription drugs.
As compensation goes down, so will the quantity of qualified health care professionals. The world doesn’t spin off good will. It spins off cold, hard profit motive. This is why private school teachers are usually better at their job than public school teachers, despite lacking teacher certification. The best doctors are highly intelligent people who could have excelled in anything, had they applied themselves to something else from a young age.
Eroding Profit for Providers Means Eroding Their Incentive
Multiple private and governmental studies show single-payer health care would reduce doctors and nurses’ pay. In the UK, which has a single-payer system, over half of health care workers have to work additional unpaid hours. An analysis by FTI Consulting found if the U.S. adopts a single-payer system, it could force up to 45,000 doctors and 1.2 million nurses out of the profession by 2050.
As compensation dwindles, many health care professionals will work in whatever private practices remain to serve niche luxury health care plans. Others will leave the profession altogether. Worse, future generations of people who would have become high-quality doctors and nurses will find a different major.
“Think of all government-controlled entitlement programs and try to find one that boasts efficiency and service to its recipients,” Dr. Grant Campbell, an OB/GYN near Charlotte, North Carolina, told Restoration News via email. “Why would we think health care would be the one that was different? When you stand in line at the DMV, do you ever think to yourself that this is who you would want to control your health care decisions?”
Even more terrifying than underpaid, unhappy health care workers is the inevitable dearth of prescription drugs in a government-run system.
"A single-payer policy like ‘Medicare for All’ would make it harder for people to get prescription drugs,” said Mark Merritt, President & CEO of Proactive Strategy Group, via email. “Instead of thousands of employers, unions and Medicare plans offering different benefits to different types of people, government would create a one-size-fits-all drug list with red tape, high deductibles and other barriers that make it difficult to fill prescriptions.”
But a single-payer plan wouldn’t only affect the cost and supply of prescription drugs already on the market. Dr. Campbell emphasized the toll this would take on medical research and development, saying:
One of every two new medications introduced in the world come from the United States. Why? Because US pharmaceutical companies have the commitment and resources to invest in research and development. A single government paid healthcare plan would take away any leverage for companies to negotiate prices for medications resulting in the loss of ability to invest in developing new medications. Pharmaceutical investment in research and development will dry up and the pace of new drug development will collapse. The end result will be what we see with all nationalized healthcare plans: equal access to mediocre to below-average treatment options.
Putting the Government in Charge of Private Industry?
If the U.S. had the most representative government and hardest-working bureaucrats, single-payer health care would still fall short. But one need only look to President Joe Biden’s legislative “accomplishments” to see what government-run health care would look like under a Democratic administration beholden to Democratic special interest groups.
Since passing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Biden administration diverted $200 billion from Medicare to fund part of the IRA’s $1 trillion subsidies for green energy projects.
Satisfying the single-payer lobby would only whet the appetite for the climate change lobby and other Democratic constituent groups. Ballooning Medicare to cover everyone would simply create a bigger trust fund for these special interest groups to raid.
(READ MORE: Biden’s EV Madness Steals Money From Medicare, and Voters Hate It)
Imagine Socialist Health Hare Plus DEI
A “reimagined” health care system needs “reimagined” health care workers. As mentioned, health care professionals who entered the system through meritocracy won’t tolerate the pay cuts and lethargy of a single-payer system. They’ll just leave.
For that reason, a new health care elite must be prepared to enter the workforce—one motivated not by “greed” but by the status of a revolutionary class working for justice and reparations.
The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) names DEI as one of its “four primary mission areas.” It states it “is critical to addressing the long-standing and well-documented inequities in our health care system and their impact on the health of patients and communities around the country.”
The AAMC and the American Medical Association (AMA) jointly sponsor the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), the U.S. Department of Education body tasked with accrediting programs leading to the M.D. degree in the U.S. and Canada.
Dr. Stanley Goldfarb sounded the alarm on DEI in the medical field when the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine hired a vice dean who urged professors to train their students in social justice and criticized the curriculum for containing “too much science.”
According to Goldfarb, every medical school in the country became infested with an emphasis on social justice and DEI by 2019.
Perelman even eliminated the requirement for historically black college and university (HBCU) students to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).
The Daily Wire reported in February medical students and “professionals” trained in DEI often complain of there being too many white surgeons. The consensus among those DEI indoctrinated is the profession should discriminate against white medical students, professors, and research by white men.
Whistleblowers at UCLA reported this year the university’s medical school admits students who don’t meet the academic requirements because they made up for it in DEI requirements. This stems from the belief white doctors will intentionally or through subconscious bias harm black patients and other minorities. To ensure that nonwhite patients don’t have to be treated by white doctors, UCLA was willing to sacrifice quality that could cost peoples’ lives through medical incompetence.
The UC San Diego Medical School changed its curriculum and grading system to “implement new health equity content” and rethink how it presents racial disparities. It added a summer book club for first year students to discuss Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist and Harriet Washington’s Medical Apartheid among other books and videos on Critical Race Theory. It also adopted a pass/fail system for its first two years rather than grading students traditionally.
The desire to have patients treated by doctors of the same race does not extend to white people because DEI holds that racism means prejudice plus power, and whites allegedly hold all the power in Western countries.
DEI Divides and Conquers
Like other Leftist movements, DEI aims to gain and maintain institutional power by splintering society into victimized sub-groups, both racial and gender-based, united in loyalty to its dogma. The Daily Wire’s investigation found some Leftist medical students bragged of flaunting their pronouns to conservative patients. One medical student even bragged of “accidentally” piercing the wrong vein of a patient who criticized her pronouns.
Goldfarb emphasizes DEI “requires racial and gender discrimination.” As the AAMC explains: “While equality means providing the same to all, equity requires recognizing that we do not all start from the same place.”
But that doesn’t mean individuals are given a hand up based on where they personally start in life—which would itself be an aspect of socialism. Rather, DEI’s disciples view people as members of collective identities. They support policies that advantage individuals based on the collective, historic power of the identities to which those individuals belong.
White Americans would be the primary victims of a single-payer health care system run by the country’s bureaucrats in this environment, as they are the racial group that has traditionally held power in the U.S.
When introducing the Federal Government Equity Improvement Act and the Equity in Agency Planning Act, leftwing Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) said, “We must center racial equity and justice in every administrative and policy decision across federal agencies.”
Imagine if those agencies controlled the supply of insulin.
This ideology breeds resentment by amplifying past wrongs—real and imagined. The COVID-19 pandemic provided a test-run case for government-run health care in a DEI regime. As new COVID-19 variants adapted to treatments, states and health care systems openly prioritized non-white patients in allocating scarce treatments that remained effective.
JP Leider, a senior fellow in the Health Policy and Management Division at the University of Minnesota who helped Minnesota develop its racist allocation criteria, defended the decision to use race, arguing nonwhites “across the United States [were] having worse COVID outcomes compared to white folks.”
Leider’s mentality tracks with the DEI concept of advantaging and punishing individuals based on where the identity they belong to allegedly started. Collective parity is the goal—even if individuals in all identities suffer more than they would in life’s natural, meritocratic state.
“You have to pick who comes first,” Leider said. “Sometimes it’s acceptable to consider things like race and ethnicity when making decisions about when resources get allocated at a societal level.”
As patients, whites can expect the same negligence and abuse that nonwhites think people who look like them historically received from white doctors.
Where Does Harris Stand on DEI in Government and Health Care?
Some may argue the examples cited here are rare cases of DEI-trained professionals taking their equity training too far. Harris herself would never support policies or systems that discriminate against white people, would she?
Harris’ record and statements show she fully embraces the DEI agenda in both government and health care. She even released a cartoon ad during the last week of the 2020 election, defining equity the same as the AAMC.
There’s a big difference between equality and equity.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 1, 2020
Roll Call notes Harris “led Senate efforts to curb racism among health care workers and reduce racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes.” She also “introduced two bills to increase non-bias training for health care providers during the pandemic and track race and ethnicity data when it came to COVID-19.”
On Columbus Day this year, Harris had this to say about the Europeans who made the country she hopes to lead possible: “Every October, the United States has recognized the voyage of the European explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas . . . Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations, perpetrating violence, stealing land, and spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past.”
This isn’t a simple matter of revisionist history. Harris backs up her anti-white sentiment by supporting the discriminatory policies of the Biden administration and seeking to increase them if elected president.
The 2021 $1.9 trillion stimulus package included $4 billion in loan forgiveness exclusively to minority farmers as a form of reparations.
The package also featured a $28.6 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund to help restaurants who suffered losses during Covid-19. It excluded white male business owners. Some successfully sued over the unconstitutional law, but by the time rulings were handed down, most of the funds had already been disbursed.
The 2021 infrastructure bill prioritized nonwhite-owned road construction companies and green energy companies for grants.
Harris even brags about the administration’s racial quota in government contracts that discriminates against white-owned businesses.
Asked if she could think of any policy differences she has with Biden, Harris drew a blank. If anything, she plans to expand Biden’s anti-white discrimination through government contracts, grants, and loans.
As president, she aims to provide additional education, training, and mentorship programs to help young men get good-paying jobs—but only to black men. She also plans to give out a million forgivable small business loans of up to $20,000 apiece—but only to black men.
Her position on “environmental justice” mirrors the medical DEI view that all forms of maladies disproportionately harm nonwhites because of racism.
In response to a question on Hurricane Ian relief, she repeated her 2020 cartoon narration:
We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity; understanding that not everyone starts out at the same place. And if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities and do that work.
We’ve covered FEMA’s equity-based prioritization under DEI-trained apparatchiks in a Harris administration. Imagine if they controlled Americans’ health care as well.
Kamala Harris Wants to Transition America’s Health Care
Her 10-year plan to transition to a single-payer system would give the medical profession time to indoctrinate enough new health care workers to cushion any fallout from professionals unwilling to take pay cuts or to practice apartheid.
Harris’ goal of a single-payer health care system poses a danger to all Americans, but especially white Americans. In any society, it creates artificial scarcity, forcing medical professionals to “have to pick who comes first,” as Leider said. It would become especially lethal to white people to marry that health care system to a bureaucracy steeped in DEI, which demands discrimination against all whites until racial disparities disappear. Instead of a prick to the wrong vein when a young BIPOC provider treats an elderly white patient, maybe that patient will just have to wait a little longer for that cataract surgery, chemotherapy, or to get their Tegretol prescription filled.
(READ MORE: Kamala's Illegal Alien Health Care Scheme to Cost $31,000 Per Non-Citizen from Your Wallet)