Biden’s Aim is Clear—Abolish the Second Amendment. Only Voters Can Stop Him in 2024

Blue states are chiseling away at your constitutional rights. If Biden wins a second term, get ready for a full-on assault.

President Joe Biden Is reportedly developing regulation that would empower the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to ban the private sale of firearms in the United States. If true, the development is the newest addition in a long line of Second Amendment infringements under the Biden regime.

“Such a sweeping rule with the effect of banning private sales would clearly violate the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which declares that ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,’” watchdog group Empower Oversight president Tristan Leavitt said in a series of posts on X/Twitter.

The news follows a proposed rule from the ATF in September that would turn nearly 1.3 million gun owners into registered firearm dealers. Anyone who’s followed gun control at a federal level knows the ATF under Biden continually targets law-abiding Americans by overstepping their intended purpose—going as far as proposing new regulatory standards without congressional approval.

Gun owners are now finding themselves stuck in an increasingly disheartening circumstance: the strategic disarmament of American patriots through multiple avenues.

Whether it’s blue states pushing for so-called “assault rifle” registries (Illinois), seizing firearms without due process through red flag laws (New York), or outright prohibiting Americans from exercising their Second Amendment rights in public (California), it is unmistakable that the Left has a deep-seated fear and loathing for an armed and law-abiding populace. Why else lie that gun deaths are so high when over 50 percent of all “gun violence” is from suicides?

Biden’s war on gun rights is an ever-current theme throughout the Democratic Party, even defying a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling which unequivocally declared the right of every Americans to carry a firearm and rightly requires all gun regulations be rooted in a historical tradition—not the Left’s whim.

(RELATED: Red Flag Laws are a Modern Day Witch Hunt Against Gun Owners)

And all this will undoubtedly ratchet up further under a Biden 2.0, should he win reelection in November. He’s already taken drastic steps that further restrict Second Amendment gun rights. That includes a new a gun control office staffed by staunch anti-Second Amendment ideologues from far-left gun control groups funded by “progressive” billionaires. Don’t think that living in a red state will keep you safe, either.

California Goes All the Way

California Democrats want to block law-abiding Americans from carrying a gun in virtually every public space—a move that violates the Constitution and destroys the entire purpose of defensive carry.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed SB 2 in November, which prohibits people from carrying guns in 26 places including public parks, public demonstrations and gatherings, amusement parks, churches, banks, zoos and “any other privately owned commercial establishment that is open to the public.”

“The governor is plainly on the wrong side of history, and it’s only because he’s unwilling to read the text of the Second Amendment and read the decisions of the Supreme Court,” said Sam Paredes, executive director of Gun Owners of California. “Whether he likes them or not, they are the law of the land.”

The law is a direct violation of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruenruling from June 2022, in which the Supreme Court ruled that it is every citizen’s Second Amendment right to carry a firearm.

 “It is a blatant and egregious attack on the rights of law-abiding Californians and a calculated maneuver to dismantle the Second Amendment,” said National Rifle Association western regional director Dan Reid.

After the law was signed by Newsom, gun rights advocates immediately filed a lawsuit requesting that the courts declare SB 2 “unconstitutional under the Second Amendment insofar as these provisions prohibit a CCW license holder from carrying a firearm at the specified locations challenged above.”

The plaintiffs, Orange County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, California Gun Rights Foundation, and Firearms Policy Coalition, requested that the court “issue preliminary and permanent injunctions enjoining enforcement of the specified provisions of SB2 against CCW license holders.”

In December, Federal District Judge Cormac J. Carney issued a preliminary injunction against the law. “SB2 turns nearly every public place in California into a ‘sensitive place,’ effectively abolishing the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding and exceptionally qualified citizens to be armed and to defend themselves in public,” Carney wrote in his opinion.

While the future of SB 2 remains in the courts, California residents are expressing their distaste for the constitutional law.

Yuba County Sheriff Wendell Anderson believes the law targets the wrong individuals. “This is not constitutional, in my opinion. We’ll wait for the higher courts to rule, but our CCW holders are law-abiding citizens and they’re not the ones that are committing gun violence out in our streets.”

Junior Evans, whose father owns Shooter’s Paradise gun range, said the law is tuning “good guys into bad guys.”

“There are people in our community who have had CCWs for over 25 years. You never hear about them in the news for doing anything crazy. This isn’t about safety, it’s about money,” he continued.

Some localities are taking matters into their own hands. In January, the Shasta County Board of Supervisors voted to defy SB 2 and allow concealed carry inside local government buildings.

“The Board of Supervisors considers SB 2, a law passed by the California Legislature, as unconstitutional under the Second Amendment, and unconstitutionally infringes upon the people’s right to bear arms,” the resolution states.

Illinois Gun Owners Became Overnight Felons

Illinois gun owners are fuming over the highly restrictive Protect Illinois Communities Act implemented this year.

The new law makes it illegal to sell, manufacture, or possess over 170 different semi-automatic firearms and requires residents to register any so-called “assault weapons” that were purchased before the law took effect. It’s a blatant infringement on our rights, and gun owners are rightfully seething at this oppressive overreach—as many could become felons if they do not bend the knee.

The law has been implemented for one month now, and only 1 percent of gun owners have decided to register their guns. Of the total of 2.4 million residents who have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID), only 29,357 are registered.

Those who fail to register their firearms can be subject to misdemeanor charges and felony charges for subsequent violations, but many believe the law itself is flat-out unconstitutional. “This legislation made criminals out of law-abiding citizens from the get-go,” said Illinois state Sen. Don DeWitte (R). “Many people on our side of the aisle believe that it was unconstitutional going in.”

Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois and other groups filed a lawsuit against the law, seeking a preliminary injunction that would push back the start date of the law while litigation continued to determine the constitutionality of the law.

Federal Judge Stephen McGlynn denied the injunction, as he believed such action “may also create further delays in this litigation when the constitutional rights of the citizens demand an expeditious resolution on the merits.”

Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) director Richard Pearson believes the U.S. Supreme Court will eventually rule that the law is unconstitutional. In the meantime, many Illinois residents do not know about the law and others are very confused on what to do, said Pearson.

 “It’s a big fat mess is what it is,” he continued.

New York’s Great Gun Grab

Claiming they are fighting “gun violence,” Leftist New York lawmakers have greenlit the confiscation of thousands of firearms using red flag laws – many times without cause.

Red flag laws, commonly known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), allow civil courts to issue warrants for seizure of all firearms and ammunition owned or otherwise possessed by a respondent under the suspicion that you may commit a crime in the future.

These laws are unconstitutional and, depending on the state, empower doctors, educators, family members, guardians, romantic partners, and spouses to petition the court for the removal of your Second Amendment rights. 21 states and the District of Columbia allow red flag laws, yet New York is taking things to the extreme as ERPO use is through the roof.

In 2021, civil courts approved 222 ERPOs. That’s 222 more than we would like to see, but flash forward to 2022, civil courts approve 4,300 ERPOs without proving any wrongdoing or providing evidence of a crime.

In 2023, state police and local law enforcement agencies confiscated 1,800 additional firearms by using ERPOs. In three years, New York was able to confiscate 6,322 firearms from presumably law-abiding Americans.

“The problem with [red flag laws] is that you’re trying to predict the future, and you just can’t do that. We don’t live in a society where we punish people based on actions they may take at some unknown point in time, if ever,” Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) executive director Adam Kraut told Restoration News. “We live in a society where laws exist to do one or two things: Either deter conduct or punish conduct after it occurs. That is it, plain and simple.”

Red flag laws are often portrayed as well-intentioned, but they consistently erode your rights before a trial date is even established. Consequently, they have been likened to the modern-day Salem Witch Trials for gun owners who are merely exercising their constitutional rights.

Senseless Restrictions

Most of the firearm restrictions under the Biden administration are pitched to the public as “common sense” gun reform aimed at reducing “gun violence.” If this were true, “progressive” lawmakers would target real criminals and tighten up their loose-on-crime initiatives that continually return criminals to our streets.

Instead, they lie through their teeth and persistently attack only law-abiding Americans for practicing the self-evident rights enshrined in the Second Amendment. As Biden continues to wreck this country, his war on guns will not stop.

An armed, informed populace is a dangerous foe for any authoritarian regime.

(READ MORE: ATF Threatens to Label Millions of Americans “Gun Dealers” in Expansive New Regulation)

Bronson Winslow is an Investigative Researcher for Restoration News specializing in gun rights and criminal justice policy. He graduated from Virginia Military Institute and previously wrote for the Daily Caller. He publishes regularly at American Greatness

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