Biden Gave $14 Billion to Islamist Groups from Joe Taxpayer

Islam, the evil religion American politicians support with your money.

The Biden-Harris administration has funded Islamic jihadis and their allies with at least $13.7 billion, a staggering amount of money taken from you and me—the American taxpayers—to facilitate and reward mass murder.

Why do Western leaders, especially American politicians, insist on giving our money to radical Islamists who hate us? Islam is an evil, demonic religion whose devout adherents want to see America and the rest of the West destroyed. While not every Muslim is evil, of course, the religion as described in its own sacred texts endorses and encourages egregious crimes including rape, murder, sex slavery, pedophilia, and terrorism. Hence from Islam’s invention in the 7th century onwards, its adherents have spread murder, rape, terror, and destruction wherever they go. 

And yet our own government under the Biden administration funds and promotes radical Islamic jihadis and their supporters, while lying about the reality of Islam’s perverted ideology. 

Humanitarian Aid for Jihadis

Almost immediately after the Oct. 7 terror attacks in Israel, the Biden-Harris administration announced $100 million in “humanitarian aid” to Hamas-controlled, overwhelmingly pro-jihad Gaza and Palestinian-controlled parts of Judea and Samaria. The U.S. federal government followed that up with repeated largesse at taxpayer expense, including a $320 million pier for Gaza that was almost immediately wrecked and abandoned, but not before it caused the death of a young U.S. soldier. 

Just this fall, even as Americans and Israelis were still held hostage by Hamas and evidence revealed Hamas was stealing foreign aid, the Biden-Harris administration announced $336 million more in aid for Gaza. Around the same time, it gifted Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon with about $157 million. Hezbollah was then regularly firing on Israeli civilians. 

In fact, in the months following the Oct. 7 massacre in which numerous United Nations (UNRWA) employees participated in the mass murder and/or cheered it on, the Biden-Harris administration gave terrorist-infested UNRWA $122 million. In June 2023, UNRWA received another $153.7 million infusion. 

Israel, the world’s sole Jewish nation, already faces some 50 largely hostile Muslim countries. The Biden-Harris administration has helped worsen the odds even further.

According to U.S. and Afghani intel and military experts via the Shawn Ryan Show (episode 149), the U.S. State Department has given between $40 million and $87 million each week to the Taliban. The U.S. has also funded the Taliban’s political office in Qatar with about $10 million per month since 2013. If these numbers are accurate, the Biden administration has lavished at least $6 billion on Taliban-run Afghanistan alone.

The latter point emphasizes that this funding to Islamic murderers is not new. Even leaving aside the Obama administration’s support for the jihadis (whose movements he absurdly called the “Arab Spring”) the Biden administration alone has poured vast quantities of money into Muslim tyrannies since 2021. In 2021, reversing Trump-era policies, the Biden-Harris administration restored $235 million in taxpayer cash to Palestinians, with two-thirds of the money earmarked for “terrorism-infested” UNRWA, which had been in “financial crisis” without lavish U.S. funding. No one knows how much of that money was used by UNRWA to indoctrinate Gazan children in school about jihad, or otherwise assist Hamas and its terroristic goals. (Hamas, for instance, stashes weapons in and hides bases under UNRWA facilities, and UNRWA authorities “routinely” partner or meet with Lebanese and Gazan terrorists).  

According to Biden in 2022, the amount of restored funding was actually $500 million. Biden bragged about this half a billion dollars of funding to Gaza at a time when the Palestinian Authority was, as always, running its “Pay-for-Slay” program to reward and incentivize terrorism financially. Republican congressmen indicated in late 2021 that the Palestinian Authority has used U.S. dollars to fund “Pay-for-Slay.” 

The U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs offers numerous annual Palestinian grant opportunities. In its announcement of $230 million in new funding for Gazans the Office bragged, “Since 2021, USAID/West Bank and Gaza has invested over $600 million in economic support funding of the Palestinian people, in addition to the over $1.2 billion in humanitarian assistance since October 7, 2023.” Yet North Carolina victims of Hurricane Helene still lack federal aid.

In other words, many of the same Gazans who committed or supported the Oct. 7 atrocities have received over $1 billion in U.S. money since Oct. 7. A 2024 lawsuit later accused the Biden administration of subsidizing Hamas and other terror groups with $1.5 billion in federal funding. The overwhelming majority of Gazans support jihad.

Biden-Harris hasn't funded Iran as directly as it has Gaza, yet the hostile regime—which aggressively oppresses its own people and is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism globally—has nevertheless financially benefitted from the administration’s pro-Islamist policies. In March 2024, the Biden administration approved a sanctions waiver that released $10 billion in frozen assets to Iran, following the original Sept. 2023 plan to unfreeze $6 billion in funds for Iran. The Wall Street Journal argued in Nov. 2023 that Biden’s curtailed sanctions enforcement and its consequent surge in Iranian oil sales brought Iran $32–$35 billion in additional revenues.

(READ MORE: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Discover a Spy in the Pentagon—and Give Her a Promotion)

Propagandizing America

This vast largesse has been accompanied by Biden and Harris repeating Hamas propaganda, bogus jihadi-issued statistics, and unfair critiques of Israel. And as anti-Semitic incidents escalated globally, the Biden administration fixated on the non-existent threat of “Islamophobia.” The administration further undermined and back-stabbed Israel, including by withholding arms shipments for Israel.

Islam teaches that god is irrational and violent, and so Muslims model themselves on their false god, Allah. For more than a millennium, Islam has been a patriarchal, barbaric, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, violent religion with no value for individual human life and no inhibitions on what crimes they are willing to commit to achieve their ends. Every country that becomes majority Muslim, or has a very strong minority of Muslims, turns into a Sharia nightmare: Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Syria are modern examples.

Too many Americans never hear or read any source texts from Muslims themselves, and instead believe politicians or academics who assert that Islam is a religion of peace—and that Hamas, the Taliban, and Hezbollah are the exceptions rather than the rule. But Islam speaks for itself, and the truth is as ugly as Yahya Sinwar. Multiple passages in the Quran and Hadith (collected sayings of Muhammed), Islam’s holy texts, and the Sirah (biographies of Muhammed), command or endorse slaughter and depravity. For instance, below are texts supporting jihad and murder of non-Muslims, including women and children (there are others, but below is a selection):

“Indeed, Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth, because the garden will be theirs, they will fight in the way of Allah and will kill and be killed.” (Quran 9:111)

“So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them.” (Quran 9:5)

“[Hadith:] It is reported on the authority of Sa’b bin Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.” (Sahih Muslim 4321)

“[Hadith:] Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 6985)

Notice that Jews are particularly singled out as targets of jihad. As a concrete illustration of this, Muslim Arabs have been waging jihad on Israel since its modern rebirth, and the terrorism has only intensified in recent years (especially after some Arabs began labeling themselves “Palestinians”), culminating in the massacre of Oct. 7, 2023, the worst day of slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. These 2023 attacks included raping women to death, burning babies alive, kidnapping civilians, and gunning down whole families. All of these crimes are fully allowed and even praised actions within Islam. In fact, Islam is also one of the two ideologies most responsible for violence against Christians in the world now, the other ideology being Communism.

All of this leads to another area of mass Islamic violence: Honor killings. Honor killings are murders of family members who convert away from Islam or who are otherwise perceived as violating Islamic precepts in some way. The killings are not only permitted under Islamic law, they are approved and supported by Quran 18:80–81.

Furthermore, despite Islam’s aggressive and bloody persecution of homosexuals the religion endorses pedophilia and other sexual perversions. This goes back to the false prophet who allegedly founded the religion. Hadith and Sirah both confirm that Muhammed married Aisha when she was only 6 and consummated the marriage when she was only 9. He was in his fifties at the time. “[Hadith:] The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).” (Bukhari 7.62.88) 

It is no surprise, then, that Islamic scholars have argued not only in defense of child marriage, which is practiced by many Muslims, but have even made the contention that there is no minimum age for a girl before she can be married; the latter is not provided for in Islamic law. Therefore, even babies can be legally “married” in Islam.

That’s not all. Quran 70:22-30 and 23:5,6—among other verses—refer to the fact that Muslim men are allowed to have sex not only with their wives but also with their slaves, as the verses laud men “who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and their slave girls, for these are lawful to them”). Quran 4:24 puts the seal of approval on sex with slave girls (who are often referred to in Islam as “captives of the right hand”) even if the slaves were already and previously married: “And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess. It is a decree of Allah for you.” 

Israeli, Nigerian Christian, and Yazidi captives are among those sexually assaulted and raped by Islamic jihadis.  New details have recently been released about sexual assault on Israeli captives of Hamas.

It's also worth noting that there are multiple passages in the Bukhari hadith where Muhammed encourages his followers not only to have sexual relations with their slaves/captives, but specifically to impregnate them. The ugly truth is that in Islam, women, whether they are wives or sex slaves, are not allowed to refuse the sexual advances of the men in their lives. Thus Islam essentially institutionalizes sexual assault and rape.

For many centuries and in our own day, Islamic jihadis rape women to death as they did in Israel on Oct. 7, and there are many cases in many countries of Muslims kidnapping and raping non-Muslim women or even being granted custody of women they raped by Islamic courts. Yet Western leaders are still blathering about “Islamophobia,” pretending that Islamic jihadis are the exception rather than the rule, funding pro-jihad Muslim nations/governments like Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority, and attacking anyone who tells the truths about Islam that Muslims themselves proudly avow. Anyone who falls in with their lies is complicit in the heinous crimes and mass murder perpetrated by the faithful followers of Islam.

(READ MORE: Amnesty International's Gaza "Genocide" Hypocrisy)

Catherine Salgado is a contributor for PJ Media. She also writes for Media Research Center, the Prickly Pear, and her Substack Pro Deo et Libertate on a variety of political, historical, and cultural topics. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from the Rogue Review for her journalism.

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