Worst Climate Stories of the Week—More Finger-Pointing Amid Unspeakable Tragedy
It doesn't make any sense, but cognitive dissonance on the left is a feature, not a bug.
Unhinged leftists desperate to push their narrative continue to blame the Trump administration for this week's air disaster, along with the California fires. For them, the sky is always falling, or on fire, or filled with as-yet undefined toxins. No matter if their accusations comport with the facts—make the fear bigger and more over the top to get people's attention. Their incessant attempts to push a climate catastrophe narrative mirror how they've responded to the tragic loss of life in the southern California fires, and in the plane crash. The lives themselves don't move the needle, the scope of the tragedy is what they exploit.
Just like Joseph Stalin said: "If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics."
Amid all the finger-pointing, the radical left continues to push its cultish narrative about the earth's climate. Global boiling is Frankenstein's monster, as U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres probably said. This week's stories include a whole bunch of items that normal people regard as insane, but that climate cultists shrug at. We have more proof the solar boondoggle comes with unintended consequences (the more the plans fail, the more the planners plan); a new journalistic effort to push a false narrative on climate action; the fun new science of weather attribution which totally isn't corrupt in any way; blaming charitable Americans for donating too many items to California fire victims, while they also blame the houses for the infernos; more cow fart news; and this week in imploding and exploding EVs.
In our Good News segment, we have the adults back in charge in Washington D.C., which means the Department of Energy got its funding frozen. If President Trump could make that permanent and dismantle department—along with a few others—he'd earn a spot on Mt. Rushmore.
Alright, let's jump in.
(Don't miss last week's column: Trump’s Inauguration and a Foot of Snow in Florida. Coincidence?)
The Proper Care and Feeding of Solar Panels
Climate scientist Judith Curry had a funny post on X this week:
— Judith Curry (@curryja) January 28, 2025
On top of all the other environmental destruction caused by massive solar farms that can't survive bad weather, they apparently waste an unholy amount of water. But the cultists glibly ignore the environmental destruction caused by green energy, like whales and raptors killed by wind turbines or toxic waste that piles up at the end of the service life of solar panels and turbine blades. It's for a good cause, after all.
97% Didn't Work, So Now They're Trotting Out 89%
For years, the climatistas have trotted out the claim that 97 percent of scientists believe in global warming, as if science relies on consensus. And for years, rational people have completely obliterated the claim that a consensus of any type exists. The debunking has caused them to come up with a different number:
Announcing The 89 Percent Project
Who really cares about climate change, anyway?
In this fraught political moment — as governments around the world gut their climate policies, online platforms loosen the spigots of disinformation, and human suffering from global heating deepens — it’s easy for journalists, and their audiences, to question how much people care about the burning of the planet.
It turns out, people do care. In a finding that received scant media attention at the time, a peer-reviewed study published last year by the scientific journal Nature Climate Change found that 89% of the world’s population want their governments to “do more” to fix climate change. However, those 89% don’t know that they are the overwhelming majority — that most other people on Earth also want governments to take stronger climate action.
In taking a look at that "peer-reviewed study," it will take almost no time at all for 89 percent to get debunked just as hard as 97 percent. It took about 3 minutes of digging to pull up the study's methodology, which simply relied on the Gallup World Poll, which sampled 130,000 people in 125 countries across the globe, which WAY oversampled representatives from tiny island nations and third-world countries, and way UNDERSAMPLED first-world nations. But yeah, if you squint real hard and look at it from a funny angle, sure, most of the world wants to steal money from the West and redistribute it in the name of the "climate."
A New Scientific "Discipline" that Starts with the Prescribed Conclusion
Science says the climate crisis caused the California wildfires, which science just proved by creating a new scientific endeavor: Attribution Science. The science news media outlet Phys.org explains:
Extreme weather is becoming more destructive as the world warms, but how can we say that climate change intensified the fires in Los Angeles, typhoons in the Philippines, or flooding in Spain?
That question was once difficult question to answer. But thanks to the pioneering field of attribution science, experts can quickly examine the possible influence of global warming on a specific weather event.
The fast-growing field began two decades ago and is now firmly established, but it is still sometimes hampered by a lack of data.
The World Weather Attribution site has come in with the verdict. You may be shocked to learn they determined within just a few days that the fires were caused by anthropogenic global thermonuclear climate change warming and/or boiling.
You can check out their methodology here, but suffice to say this is another in a long line of junk science disciplines created to prove a hypothesis, which is the opposite of how real science is actually done.
The California Wildfires Have Produced Some Crazy Analyses
Americans donated too many clothing items to relief efforts, and too much plastic in houses made the fires more intense. Apparently, the generosity of Americans helping their fellow citizens restart their lives after the fires just indicates how much we "overconsume." Meanwhile, the amount of materials in homes made from plastic—itself made from evil petroleum—made the fires more intense, apparently. Don't blame the Santa Ana winds, or the overgrowth of fuel on the forest floor. It was really Big Oil's fault.
This Week in Imploding and Exploding EVs
Speaking of California wildfires and the unintended consequences of green energy, maybe it's not the plastic that made the fires worse:
"This will be… from our estimation, probably the largest lithium-ion battery pickup, cleanup, that’s ever happened in the history of the world," said Steve Calanog, the Environmental Protection Agency’s incident commander for the Palisades and Eaton fire cleanups.
When damaged and overheated, lithium-ion batteries can ignite and even explode. Residual heat can trigger a reaction that can lead to combustion, a danger that can develop over days, weeks or months.
Firefighters and public safety authorities warned of the dangers as evacuations were lifted and residents returned to neighborhoods. Lithium-ion batteries might have no visible signs of damage, but can still pose a hazard for returning residents and debris removal teams.
In other news, the headlong plunge into a complete transformation of our passenger car fleet has gotten a little less, well, headlong. The market just keeps on imploding. After sales growth in double- and triple-digits from 2021-2023, in 2024 sales only increased by 5 percent. 2025 promises to see even slower growth in EV sales.
This Week in Cow Farts
The obsession with cattle has started to get creepy. Another state is considering measuring bovine expulsions, with the ultimate goal of taxing your cows. Washington House Bill 1630, if passed, would direct every farm in the state to measure hvow much methane gets farted and belched into the sky by their cows. If they can measure it, they can tax it, as House Republicans have pointed out.
Of course, if they can't currently measure it, then they can't tell if it constitutes a crisis or not, now can they? But not being able to declare a crisis is a crisis in itself, which requires bold and decisive action.
There oughtta be a law!
And now for our Good News segment.
Nuking the Department of Energy
The Trump administration wasted no time in attempting to wrangle control over the federal budget:
In a sweeping move that halts billions in spending, President Trump’s administration has frozen the Department of Energy's (DOE) activities pending a comprehensive review of its alignment with his priorities. According to a memo from acting Energy Secretary Ingrid Kolb, the freeze affects grants, loans, procurement, studies, and even personnel decisions, effectively bringing the agency’s $50 billion budget to a standstill.
Beyond bureaucratic tinkering, the halt is a direct shot at dismantling Biden-era climate policies. The DOE’s Loan Programs Office, holding $41.2 billion in conditional commitments to energy technology companies, now finds its purse strings tightly cinched.
Trump hasn't even made all his senate nominations yet, and he's already taking every department by the neck and telling them there's a new sheriff in town. Here's hoping he can build on his deregulatory regime from his first administration and gut the bloat in the intransigent bureaucracies.
(Read the comprehensive report by Restoration News that blasts global warming cultism: How the Left’s Global Warming Ideology Wrecked Science—And How to Stop It)