Pornography in Schools, Brought to You by Harris-Walz
Democrats use taxpayer dollars to give obscene material to children, even though the Justice Department says it’s a crime.
The phrase “book banning” was used often at the recent Democrat National Convention (DNC). In his speech at the DNC, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) said: “It’s not freedom to tell our children what books they are allowed to read.” He seems to indicate that the government has ownership of other people’s kids as he said, “our children.” That statement alone should send shivers down the spine—communists always go after the children first. Keeping pornographic books away from children isn’t book banning.
According to the Justice Department, it is illegal under federal law to “distribute, transport, sell, ship, mail, produce with intent to distribute or sell, or engage in a business of selling or transferring obscene matter.” Yet all over the country Democrats—including Kamala Harris and Tim Walz—are fighting to provide these books to children at taxpayer expense and without parental consent.
At a recent teacher’s union convention, Kamala Harris told the crowd: “Extremists attack the freedom to learn . . . including book bans in the year of our Lord 2024.” Yes, she really invoked God in her support of giving obscene materials to children.
Restoration News spoke with Terry Schilling, President of the American Principles Project, about the left’s “book banning” narrative. Schilling said conservatives want history to be taught through books like Anne Frank, but it is the Left who wants “to ban books like Dr. Seuss.” Conservatives want to “protect children from obscenities in schools.” No one should give pornographic materials to children, but if parents choose to do so, they should have to get them “from the seedy end of town, not from taxpayer funded public schools.”
Tim Walz also referenced “book banning” in his DNC speech. He visited the Como High School library in St. Paul Minnesota to advocate for sexually explicit books to be provided to children. In the picture above of Walz, the book The Handmaid’s Tale, The Graphic Novel is at the forefront.
Here are just a couple of excerpts from this book—examples of what he has fought so hard to keep in school libraries for children to read. A man raping a woman while another woman restrains the victim’s hands. A woman lying on the ground, breasts exposed in a pool of blood. Another woman is naked, eating out of a dog bowl with a leash around her neck held by a man.
Another graphic novel series found in that same Minnesota school library visited by Walz is called Saga by Brian K. Vaughan. Here is just one photo of many like it throughout the book of people in different sexual positions (without the censorship).
Minnesota statute 617.291 states “The legislature finds that sexually explicit materials and exhibitions presented before an audience are harmful to minors.” Yet that hasn’t stopped Tim Walz from advocating to give these harmful materials to schoolchildren.
Blocking Porn in Schools is Racist?
Why are Harris, Walz, Shapiro, and other leftists trying so hard to keep pornographic books in schools for “our” children to read? Most likely because the public hasn’t actually seen the obscenities in the books, so Harris-Walz get away with their false “book banning” narrative.
A book that is a popular assignment in English classes across the nation is called The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. The book details the horrific rape of a child by her father and her ultimate pregnancy. It doesn’t just discuss the fact that he raped her, it goes into graphic detail about exactly what he did to her and the pleasure he received from it.
During a school board meeting in Virginia Beach, Virginia a grandmother read excerpts from the book. It was so graphic that the chair of the board gaveled her down and told her she couldn’t say those things in the meeting. Yet it was ok for teachers to permit children to read it in the classroom. Rather than speak to the material in the book, Democrats attacked those opposed to giving it to children as “racist” because the author is black.
Another book found in schools across the nation and in the school Walz visited is Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe. Among other things, it shows graphic images of oral sex. Here are just a couple of pages from that book.
Another graphic novel series called Assassination Classroom by Yusei Matsui, again found in Como High School, details how the teacher likes to make out with students. Sometimes she turns into an alien, and they shoot her—graphic images of guns being placed in people’s mouths are also included. Schools are constantly talking about mental health problems and the fear of violence in schools, but they are contributing to these problems by providing harmful books to children.
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg, another popular book in public schools, tells children how to masturbate and shows male genitalia in states of arousal. From the book: “Like other holes in our body, the anus is usually very sensitive, which means it can feel good to touch but can also hurt if we are rough with it.”
Most parents have no idea these books are available to their children at school. School libraries used to be a safe place for children to explore and learn. Now it is a place for children to learn about different sexual positions and how to make out with their teacher.
As a school board member, I have witnessed public school librarians speak at school board meetings pushing to keep these graphic sexually explicit books. One librarian even promoted the explicit books on the school’s Instagram page!
Several years ago, I discovered dozens of “young adult” books in elementary schools across my school district. Children as young as 5-years-old had online access through the school library to young adult books such as this one below:
Fortunately, after I exposed these books in the elementary schools they were removed, but it revealed that children were not being protected. is a website that provides details and ratings on books that can be found in school libraries across the nation. Many school districts across the nation use a library management system called Follett. Anyone can go to the Follet website to see if a certain book is available in a specific school. Parents would be wise to dive deeper into what is in their child’s school library.
Don’t believe the left’s lies. No one wants to “ban books.” Conservatives care about children and want to protect them from the obscene materials pushed on them by Leftists. Children can’t go to X-rated movies, so why are they given X-rated books at school?
Ask Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.
(READ MORE: Tim Walz's Trans Sanctuary State Law Means Government Can Take Your Kids)