Gates Foundation Front Leaks Donors Bankrolling Push for COVID Vax
Leaked disclosures reveal the big money behind the campaign to distribute the controversial COVID-19 vaccine—and you may be surprised by their names.
It’s common knowledge that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was one of the biggest funders behind development of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Now a leaked donor list reveals exactly how much he and allied elites, including one from Saudi Arabia, spent disseminating the controversial vaccine—and how they targeted black Americans in the far Left’s ideological war on “white supremacy.”
While the Gates Foundation is one of the world’s best-known philanthropies, Gates Philanthropy Partners (GPP) is obscure outside ultra-wealthy circles. Yet between 2020 and 2021, GPP spent $125 million—75 percent of its total expenditures across that period—“combating COVID-19” by “getting vaccines to everyone, everywhere . . . and expediting innovations in testing and treatment.”
Whatever you think about the vaccine’s effectiveness, there’s no doubt that the experimental vaccine was hurried out of the lab and into the public faster than any vaccine in history, and far faster than the 10–15 years most vaccines take to pass clinical research hurdles. And according to reports, we have GPP to thank for that.
GPP specializes in shuffling donations from top donors to causes “align[ed] with Bill and Melinda’s giving priorities,” including “family planning” (in practice, typically abortion and contraception) as well as improving clean water supplies and HIV treatment in poor countries. Recall that the Gates Foundation is one of the top donors to pro-abortion groups globally, including the United Nations’ population control fund.
Big Money to the Rescue
So who were these donors?
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the philanthropy of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, gifted GPP $61 million for the vaccine distribution plan. The Mastercard Impact Fund, which is exclusively funded by the credit card company and a major donor to the Arabella Advisors “dark money” network, gave GPP another $17 million. Neither is a surprise, since both funders originally promised $25 million in March 2020 to speed up development of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Less known to the American public is the $11 million paid to GPP from Alwaleed Philanthropies, a foreign foundation bankrolled by Saudi billionaire and royal family member Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud (est. net worth: $18.7 billion).
Prince Alwaleed—who travels on a personal Boeing 747 and $325 million “megayacht”—is also a key investor in Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures, promising $50 million to the scheme to force carbon emissions from oil and gas out of the global economy.
Another $25 million came from Hope Aldrich, the daughter of notorious population control funder John D. Rockefeller 3rd. Aldrich herself is a prominent Democratic Party donor; in 2020, she gave $50,000 to the Biden Victory Fund super PAC and hundreds of thousands more to Democratic campaign arms over the past decade.
Another $10 million came from the ELMA Foundation, which promotes (among other things) vaccine access in Africa—in conjunction with the Clinton Foundation’s Health Access Initiative. The disclosures also show $20 million from the Dell Foundation, philanthropy of the computer manufacturer magnate Michael Dell.
While the Gates Foundation itself only gifted $2.4 million to GPP from 2018–2021, the group’s board is entirely controlled by Gates Foundation officials—and they’re extremely well compensated.
Board chair Connie Collingsworth, until this March the foundation’s chief operating and legal officer, earned over $1 million in 2021 alone from the Gates Foundation. Also on the board is Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman, whose board tenure ended in August 2020; his compensation was nearly $1.3 million that year. Gates Foundation U.S. programs president Allan Golston, another GPP board member, brought in $952,000, while the lowest-earner, treasurer and foundation CFO Jonathan Castrodale, raked in over $410,000 in 2021.

COVID as “Racial Justice?”
To those wary of the controversial vaccine, this massive financing only shows the power—and extravagant influence—of the Left’s moneyed elite. There isn’t a conservative on this donor list. And conservatives ought to be concerned, since combating COVID apparently means defeating “white supremacy.”
According to GPP’s most recent IRS disclosure, the group paid $500,000 to Prosperity Now in 2021, which lobbies against what it terms America’s “racial wealth divide” created to “keep people of color from getting ahead.”
The group demands an ever-larger nanny state to deal with the self-inflicted 2020 coronavirus recession, ranging from rent payments to loan forgiveness for non-white businesses, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. It’s part of the Left’s push for “equity”: Legalized racism designed to inflict harm on white Americans and pay off minorities solely for the color of their skin—using the COVID pandemic as cover.
Prosperity Now is funded by the usual bevy of powerful left-wing donors, including the Ford, Tides, Kresge, Annie E. Casey, Mott, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations. It’s even received funding from the New Venture Fund, the biggest cog in Arabella Advisors’ $1.6 billion “dark money” machine.
One Rockefeller Foundation grant in 2021 is tagged for “outreach to underserved and vulnerable populations in order to increase their access to critical tax credits that promote racial economic justice.”
Recall that GPP’s grant to Prosperity Now was intended to disseminate the COVID vaccine. Yet data shows that black and Hispanic Americans have been more resistant to taking the vaccine than white Americans and are often more skeptical of physicians.
Would they feel better knowing that Gates, Zuckerberg, and Saudi money paid for the activists pushing the vaccine? If Americans had an honest media, we’d soon find out.