California’s Crime Wave is America’s Future Under Kamala
Don’t import the Tarnished State’s pro-crime policies by backing Kamala Harris in November
Vice President Kamala Harris consistently advocates for California-style policies as the model for the nation, but many Americans are growing frustrated with “progressive” measures that seem to encourage criminal behavior.
As crime surges across the country, Harris not only pushes for policies that favor offenders but also misleads the public with FBI data that insists crime rates are declining nationwide. Now, the FBI has updated it violet crime data with nearly 800 thousand additional crimes—reflecting a 4.9% increase in violent crime nationwide compared to the previously reported 1.7 percent drop.
The FBI wasn’t fooling anyone, and the updated numbers still fall far below the true crime rate in America. Restoration News conducted an analysis of statewide crime data from key swing states and found that, despite claims from the FBI and Harris, crime is rising sharply everywhere.
Now that the FBI has “discovered” nearly 800 thousand additional crimes, the data reflets a more accurate figure, but numerous states show 10 to 30 percent increases in violent crime, leaving even the update numbers in question.
From 2018–2023, violent crime in California jumped by 18 percent statewide.
Homicide increased by 16 percent in just 2023 and 9.1 percent since 2018.
Aggravated assault rose by 30 percent in that period.
Motor vehicle theft is up 28.5 percent since 2018. Total property crime rose by 1.8 percent.
Amazingly, California is one of the few states that showed an increase in crime even when minor convictions are left in. The numbers where so bad, the data couldn’t be conflated with minor crimes to appear lower.
If that’s the model for the rest of America, run for the hills.
(RELATED: Arizona Arrests are Up 1,450 Percent Since Kamala Took Office. But She Won’t Take Responsibility)
Pro-Crime & Inept
Vice President Kamala Harris’s career trajectory—from San Francisco District Attorney to California Attorney General, and eventually to U.S. Senator—show she’s had a hand in crime policy for many years… and not much to show for it.
While Harris served as the San Francisco district attorney, crime increased by a whopping 10 percent do to her pro-criminal policies.
Officers serving in the San Francisco Police Department at the time also allege that Harris only prosecuted murders to boost her resume, as she was eyeing the position of California Attorney General. The same officers allege that Harris cut “fire-side deals” to resolve a lengthy backlog of homicide cases that spilled over from her predecessor—refusing to implement punishment for many who committed serious crimes.
Harris even refused to seek the death penalty and cut deals with illegal aliens.
As California Attorney General, Harris championed a truancy policy that allowed parents to be criminally prosecuted if children did not attend school instead of cracking down on rampant gang violence. One of the earliest victims of Harris’ policy, Cheree Peoples, was handcuffed at her house and arrested because her daughter missed school while she was being treated for sickle cell anemia.
"You'd swear I'd killed somebody," Peoples later said.
Harris also endorsed Proposition 47, which downgraded numerous non-violent felonies to misdemeanors. While resisting efforts to legalize marijuana, she oversaw the incarceration of individuals for marijuana use—even as she publicly admitted to having used it herself.
Harris also failed to address prosecutorial misconduct numerous times as California’s “top cop.”
As vice president, Harris has endorsed bail reform groups that return criminals to our streets and allowed at least 16 million illegal aliens to flood our streets. To no surprise, many have committed heinous crimes against law abiding Americans.
(READ MORE: The Border Patrol Union’s Endorsement Tells You Everything You Need to Know About the Border Implosion)