Be a Fighter Jet Parent and Stop the Cult of Government Schools

Woke activists are spreading anti-God “spiritualism” to public schools. Will Christians honor God and fight back?

Asserting Control

The COVID-19 school closures placed a spotlight on what children are being taught in classrooms across the nation. Parents quickly learned through virtual classroom lessons that their elementary school children were being taught about topics such as gender identity and critical race theory.

During the nightmare of virtual instruction in December 2020, a parent in the rural school district of Calvert, Maryland discovered that her child was being taught about different sexual orientations and how their gender identity can be different than their biological sex during a lesson about the “GenderBread” person.

Earlier that year, a woke teacher in Philadelphia tweeted his concern that parents may now be watching the lessons he was providing to students in the classroom. He was concerned about how “helicopter” parents may interfere with his “honest conversations” about gender and sexuality or his “equity/inclusion” work.

And the National Education Association was providing Marxist resources to teachers instructing them to add “a racial lens to our conversations on class, gender, sexuality, etc.”

Parents also discovered that sexually explicit materials were being provided to their children without their knowledge.

Teachers’ unions fought hard to keep kids locked out of school buildings throughout the pandemic; since then, not surprisingly, mental health problems among adolescents have skyrocketed. It is no secret that the COVID-19 school closures led to social isolation and studies have found that cases of anxiety and depression in children doubled due to these closure decisions. In other words, the social services organization we call “public schools” responsible for creating these problems now want to use a kind of invented spirituality to exert even more control over our children.

Government Schools Discover (New Age) Religion

The latest fad in government education is Social Emotional Learning (SEL), rapidly embedding itself in school curricula across the nation. SEL is supposed to address the emotional needs of students but it has become a path for leftist ideologies to be inserted into curriculum.

One of the most prominent organizations selling this fad (for a hefty profit) is the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). A CASEL survey used in schools asks: “What do you do during the week to nurture your spiritual health?”

A reasonable question, perhaps—except that CASEL’s leadership have also suggested that God doesn’t need to be part of “spirituality” during a keynote address for a conference with the Collaborative for Spirituality in Education (CSE), a Columbia University group created with funding from the left-wing Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors created to “promote spiritual and moral development within schools.”

Contrast that mission with CSE’s website, which promotes the conference while adding: “Can Spirituality Exist Without God? A Growing Number of Americans Say Yes.”

CASEL’s own co-founder, Daniel Goleman, is a student of eastern religions and focuses on the religion of self-awareness through meditation. CASEL’s other co-founder, David Sluyter, is a senior advisor to the Fetzer Institute, which claims credit for inspiring the creation of CASEL through its work. The Fetzer Institute was founded by wealthy businessman John Fetzer, who pursued spiritual answers from mediums and other New Age movements seeking scientific explanations for spirituality.

Now CASEL’s brainchild—Social Emotional Learning, which influences almost every facet of public education—holds among its key “competencies” pushed by them onto school children is the “self-awareness” of schoolchildren, which surely stems from Fetzer’s New Age views of “spirituality.”

Are Christians okay with pagans evangelizing their children?

Becoming Fighter Jet Parents

COVID-19 saw numerous parents pull their kids out of government schools to homeschool them. But why hasn’t there been an even bigger mass exodus? Why are churches and people of faith turning a blind eye to the radical indoctrination of gender theory, hyper-sexualization of children, and pagan religion being taught to children in public schools?

Fortunately, there is one faith leader that has been sounding the alarm about what is happening in this “Church of Government Schools.”

Cornerstone Chapel pastor Gary Hamrick in Loudoun County, Virginia, is exhorting Christians to take a stand to protect children. In a recent sermon, Hamrick called on those listening not to be helicopter parents but instead “be a fighter jet parent! Be a Lockheed Martin F-22, and you lock in on whatever is attacking your child’s mind and heart, and you fight for themfight for them!”

If every pastor or faith leader in our nation gave these types of sermons, perhaps schools would stick with math, reading and science rather than SEL and gender theory. Scripture doesn’t praise those who remained silent while injustices occurred; it gives us examples of men and women who stood up for their faith. Queen Esther risked her life to save her fellow Jews when she discovered a plot to kill them. She didn’t sit back waiting for someone else to step in and help, even though she could be put to death for taking a stand.

Jesus didn’t tell his followers to just mind their own business while others were being harmed. The story of the Good Samaritan teaches us to take action to help others, not to just continue walking blindly past people in need.

And America’s children are in desperate need! They are being taught radical and perverted ideology presented to them by the Church of Government Schools. More people need to be Good Samaritans by taking action to protect children. Jesus said, “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Inaction on the topic of radical ideologies in Government Schools is harming children. Listen to Pastor Hamrick and be a fighter jet parent!

Victoria Manning is the vice president of Students First VA and an elected member of the Virginia Beach School Board

Victoria Manning is a Senior Investigative Researcher for Restoration News specializing in education freedom, abortion, and immigration, and the author of Behind the Wall of Government Schools. Victoria served 8 years as an elected school board member with a master’s degree in law. She also brings the perspective of a military spouse and mother to her reporting.

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